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The Routledge Intensive Italian Workbook
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 20.11.2011, 17:35
The Routledge Intensive Italian Workbook

Год выпуска: 2004 г.
Автор: Anna Di Stefano and Daniela Treveri Gennari
Anna Proudfoot, Tania Batelli-Kneale
Категория: Учебные материалы, книга для чтения
Издатель: Routledge
Язык курса: Итальянский-Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Кол-во страниц: 196
ISBN: 0-415-24079-4
Аудио кодек: MP3
Битрейт аудио: 128 kbps
Описание: The Routledge Intensive Italian Workbook is a comprehensive book of exercises and tasks for beginner and intermediate learners of Italian.
It includes a wide variety of exercises to help learners practise the key skills of language learning - reading, writing, listening and speaking.  


This workbook is intended for anyone who is interested in learning Italian, whatever the reason. It is aimed primarily at adult learners of the language.

The workbook has been devised for use in conjunction with the Routledge Intensive Italian Course. The units closely follow the topics and language structures of the course. However, this workbook can also be used on its own or with any other coursebook for consolidation and practice.

The workbook covers all the activities and functions normally explored by a begin­ners' syllabus, i.e. meeting people, making travel arrangements, etc., but it goes further, covering situations such as working, studying and renting an apartment in Italy, and including materials focused on the Italian media: cinema, television, the press and adver­tising.

In terms of grammar structures, the exercises contained in the workbook vary in level of difficulty, not only progressively through the book but also within the individual units, thus providing scope for a range of abilities and satisfying even the most demanding learners.

Flexible in its structure, the workbook offers a wide range of exercises from puzzles such as odd ones out, crosswords and anagrams, to more challenging activities based on articles and interviews. You can choose a vocabulary-based activity or a grammar drill, a language manipulation exercise or an up-to-date reading comprehension.

Because the book also contains an Answer Key, it will prove useful not only to tutors for consolidating specific points of grammar or focusing on a particular topic, but also to those students who want to practise the language through additional independent study.

Open-ended exercises have also been included to encourage learners to communicate more spontaneously, and to allow some autonomy and encourage creativity.

Additional materials and support for tutors are also available on the Routledge website.

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