The MSC Italian Grammar is aimed at adult learners, whether learning at home or on Adult/Karl her Education or non-specialist Higher Education language courses. It Is also ideal lor GCSE sludents.
H is a practical reference book which sets out to make Italian grammar accessible to English-speaking learners, arid it is the perfect complement to any course book. The emphasis is on dear and concise explanation of the co:e structures of Italian, illustrated by examples using currem, everyday language.
It is not necessary to have detailed formal knowledge ot English grammar to use this book, since the use of technical grammatical ter ms has been restricted to those v.-hic'i iire esscr lial. there is also a glossary to help daril) ihese terms.
The hook is designed to allow easy and rapid consultation, H comprises:
• a list of contents - et quick way to find the section or sub-section you want;
• a glossary of grammatical terms;
■ grammar explanations clearly laid out in numbered sections and subsections. The first halt of the book covers nouns, articles, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and prepositions. The second half focuses on verbs; Their Formation, use and irregular forms.
• verb tables - the patterns for regular verbs and for commonly used irregular verbs;
• a comprehensive, easy-to-use index, which lists key words in Italian and English as well as grammatical terms.